1. Link with the person who tagged you.
2. Copy above images.
3. Post this on any or all of your Blog/s.
4. Answer the two-part questionnaire following these Rules. (Feel free to elaborate your answers. For questions 8 - 14, post only the one (1) which you believe best describes your choice).
5. Share this with at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll.
6. Come back to Living A' La Mode (DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK PLEASE.) and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.
7. Have fun!
Parenting Style
1. Do you exercise full or minimal control over your child's / children's behavior?
FULL CONTROL. For the 1st year, I'm gonna be a full-time mommy.
2. Do you expect your child / children to obey 100% or let her / him / them do what pleases her / him / them?
I expect JT to obey 100%. When he's older, we may compromise.
3. Do you welcome discussion or you simply set rules?
I would very much welcome a discussion.
4. Do you reprimand? YES.
5. Do you use spanking for punishment?
JT is still too young for that but I hope I won't need/do it in the future.
6. Do you use some kind of a reward System for motivation?
JT is still too young. But I do plan to use it.
7. Do you enjoy being a Parent?
Yes, mixed with terror of making a mistake.
8. Are you a hands-on Parent or do you have a full-time Nanny?
Hands-on even though we have a full-time Nanny.
9. At what age would you let your child make simple decisions for himself / herself?
As soon as he can.
10.Do you and your Husband have the same Parenting Style?
Yes. But when I tend to coddle and spoil, he does the opposite. And vice versa.
Wife Style
7. How long have you been married?
Almost 10 months :)
8. How do you feel about being a Wife?
It's fun!
9. What has been your typical sleeping attire since you got married?
* A cotton night gown.
* Sweats or Shorts.
* Something sheer & soft.
* Nothing.
10. How do you show how appreciative you are of your Husband?
* By being always affectionate.
11. What do you do when your Husband annoys you?
* Keep quiet (I have to sort and think things out first) for a little while then talk.
12. You are buying or planning to buy your first house as Husband and Wife ....
We don't know yet. Still a looooong way to go :) But we're dreaming of a large estate where our parents/siblings could stay with us.
13. How does your house look like at the end of the day when Hubby gets home?
* Immaculate and spotless. (Most of the time hehe)
14. How do you feel about running a household?
* Whatever! Just part of everyday life :)
15. What is the sweetest gift you have given your Husband so far?
My husband says, YOURSELF. awwww.
Thanks Twinkie for sharing this! I had fun :)
Hmmm who am I gonna tag?...